Bikini Beach Australia Support The Environment

BBA - Panama City Beach Cleanup
Panama City, being one of the ventures to conquer Latin America for Bikini Beach Australia, isn’t just pretty beaches and exotic visits. There’s a lot to unpack and discover from Panama, who’s welcomed Bikini Beach with open arms, and as thankful guests to the beautiful country, BBA would also like to do their part for the community!
Beautiful beach landscapes surround Panama City. Being a country where you can see two different oceans in an hour, beaches are a big part of it. Unfortunately, with progress, there are always downsides. Being a very cosmopolitan and expanding city, the movement of people, new construction to allocate a growing society, and with a growing society there comes the issue of garbage.
Ernesto Szcurz | Hanna Quiel | Alex Abraham | Daisy | Marco Galbiati
In order to do their part for the community, Bikini Beach Australia partnered up with businessman Marco Galbiati, an Italian ex-pat currently based in Panama City, to perform a beach cleaning in order to do their part for this PTY.
Bikini Beach Australia’s team alongside during the beach cleanup
The cleanup took place in the pacific bay close to Costa del Este, in which volunteers were provided with gloves and garbage bags, focusing on picking up whatever garbage was, as well as heavy-duty equipment to be able to move and transport all the garbage and be able to relocate it to the proper landfill destination.
Bikini Beach’s volunteers working during the garbage recollection
BBA CEO Alex Abraham during the cleanup
BBA’s team and Marco Galbiati prior to the cleanup
Bikini Beach cares for the environment and does its part by participating in as many events as possible to greater make an impact everywhere they go.
Stay tuned for everything coming up in our future adventures, as there are many surprises on the way!
Ernesto Szczur | Alex Abraham