BBAustralia Day - Celebrate with us!

G’DAY it’s BBAustralia Day
by Eleonora Fleischmann
If you follow the news, you know that AustraliaDay is always a bit of a contentious celebration, much like Independence Day for our cousins across the ocean.
But … BBAustralia Day, well, that is all another story!
#BBAustraliaDay is of course our favorite celebration: hot sun on our skin, beaches packed to the shores, sandal and bikini’s galore, who wouldn’t like it!
It is the day, when you wear your new BBA collection, yep, the one you managed to get online on the BBA Boxing Day sale!
Vikky Emerald Beach Reversible one piece Purple | Paisley
Or your beautiful Hamilton Island in Liquid Navy, so you can feel True Blue BBA Babe.
Alex Hamilton Island Glitterati | Liquid Navy
It is the day, you go all out; A barbie in the sand, with our surfboards in hand and beach balls flying high over Bondi Beach.
Because let’s be honest, after BBAustralia Day, the weather changes, we all go back to work and summer starts to end. So, to make it a little bit sweeter, and to ease you back into reality we have prepared a one off opportunity:
The BBAustralia Day Sale. Don’t miss it, because it will be our last sale for the summer! So pop over to our site for your one day deals BBA babes live for BBA Bikini’s!
Airlie Beach Cheetah | Black Reversible Bikini
Happy BBAustralia Day! Be sure to post a BBAustralia Day photo in your BBA bikini and tag us for some extra prizes and features on our socials! So be sure to hashtag #bbababe and #BBAustraliaday for your change to be a BBA babe!